How two Latina Leaders Reframe Their Cultural Identity and Embrace Their Genius to Change the World.

In this enlightening episode, Mariana and Clara share their powerful insights on facilitating change and making a meaningful impact in the world. They delve into the delicate balance between personal growth and parenthood, offering their perspectives on managing these dual roles.

The conversation emphasizes the importance of reframing one's mindset to foster both personal and professional growth. Mariana opens up about her journey in maintaining harmony between her personal and professional life, underscoring the need to redefine success and well-being for a truly fulfilling life.

The discussion highlights the critical role of self-care and energy management in preventing burnout. Mariana and Clara explore the challenges of adapting to new cultural and educational environments while raising children, stressing the significance of understanding cultural differences. They provide valuable support and encouragement for women striving to make their mark on the world but unsure of where to begin.

This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how we can all contribute to a better world while nurturing our own well-being and that of our families.

Contact Mariana:
[email protected]

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