Ask For What You Want

Mastering the art of inquiry to
get the most out of your life


"It's time to stop playing small and start asking big”




Ask for it and be prepared to Receive It

In this powerful, practical, and inspiring book, Clara Angelina Diaz-Anderson Executive Coach & Authentic Leadership Instructor at Harvard University Division of Continuing & Executive Education teaches you how to ask for what You really want and actually get it!
She provides practical strategies and real-life examples from her work with social, political, and executive leaders to identify what is holding you back from asking and help you build the confidence to Ask for What You Want.

In this book, you will discover:

  • The secrets to effective communication and starting with the end in mind
  • How to allow yourself to ask for more with confidence and clarity
  • How to cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibilities
  • Strategies for navigating and owning your ask in conversations. 

Whether you’re striving for that dream job, your next promotion or raise, starting or growing your business, growing as a leader, building meaningful relationships, or becoming a more effective change maker Ask for What You Want provides you with the blueprint to get the most out of life by asking better, bigger and bolder questions.


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Why You Need This Book

"Ask For What You Want" is a transformative guide that will teach you how to confidently articulate your desires and needs, helping you to achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life. 

This book is for anyone who wants to:

  • Gain Confidence: Learn practical strategies to overcome fear and self-doubt.
  • Improve Relationships: Enhance communication with friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Achieve Goals: Set clear, attainable goals and understand how to reach them.
  • Find Fulfillment: Discover how asking for what you want leads to a happier, more satisfying life.
Order your copy today and start asking for what you truly want!

Take the First Step Towards a More Fulfilling Life

Whether you're striving for that dream job, your next promotion or raise, starting or growing your business, growing as a leader, building meaningful relationships, or becoming a more effective change maker, "Ask For What You Want" is your key to unlocking the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Order Your Copy Today

Meet the Author

Clara Angelina Diaz-Anderson

Harvard Executive Coaching instructor and certified Master Coach with 15+ years experience. Founder of ClaraFying Coaching and Consulting Institute, supporting organizations to develop their leaders and their leader’s confidence through coaching and education. Dominican born author of the Book “Create Your Best Year”.